Evaluating the Option of Professional Incorporation

Professionals in every province have been permitted to incorporate their practices for many years. This list of professionals generally includes physicians, architects, accountants, dentists, engineers, veterinarians and lawyers. The rules that govern incorporation are established by the professional bodies in each province. Such rules may include limitations associated with the selection of the corporation’s name along with […]

Benefits of an ABIL

When a taxpayer suffers a capital loss on the disposition of a capital asset, tax relief is available in the form of an offset against capital gains. To utilize this offset, of course, the taxpayer needs a capital gain. The capital gain may have been realized in the current year from the disposition of another […]

Optimizing OAS to the Circumstances

The claw-back of Old Age Security (OAS) payments has been a part of the fabric of planning for many years. Many articles discuss planning strategies designed to avoid the claw-back. However, planning should not be limited to avoiding a single tax provision or minimizing exposure to a tax at the expense of broader planning objectives; […]

Eligibity for Pension Benefits Tax Credit

The federal government and all provinces allow a tax credit based on pension income received. The federal tax credit is 15 per cent of the lesser of $2,000 and the eligible pension income of the individual, while provincial percentages and limits vary. What qualifies as “pension income,” however, is not as clear as one might […]

The Changing Face of Canadian Society

A recent Statistics Canada publication was the impetus for a look at a few insights into contemporary Canada. Canada’s population now sits at 35.1 million, which represents an increase of 11 per cent over the 10-year period between 2003 and 2013. Every province has shared in this growth, though some more than others: Alberta takes […]

Eligible Capital Property Under Review

The 2014 Federal Budget has proposed to conduct a public consultation of the income tax rules with, in respect to eligible capital property, a view to “levelling the playing field” with other types of property. Among other changes, the proposed rules will impact taxpayers that sell the assets of their business when some of the […]

CPP Retirement Benefit: It’s All in the Timing

The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) provides a number of benefits, the most significant of which is the retirement pension that forms an integral part of most Canadians’ financial plans for retirement. The Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) provides parallel benefits for Quebec residents. Every contributor to these government-sponsored pension plans will eventually need to make important […]

Cottage Succession

Family cottages often represent great memories. The cottage can be an important retreat where families congregate in a relaxed environment, developing close relationships with successive generations. Alternatively, the cottage may be an economical vacation spot that families count on year after year. The cottage could be a simple structure on a remote lake, or a […]

Canadian Farm Operations

Agriculture is an important industry for Canada, with over 200,000 farms averaging approximately 800 acres currently in operation. Farm performance remains strong, and asset values, particularly land, continue to grow. Like other business owners, farmers need to carefully plan for succession of their business operations. Important considerations include: Funding any income tax liability that arises […]

Shareholder Loans: Beware Of Taxable Events

In general terms, a shareholder is subject to tax on the value of any assets withdrawn, whether directly or indirectly, from his or her company. This would include physical assets or money, such as dividends, a draw or a loan. Some of the exceptions to this general rule include a withdrawal of paid-up capital, payment […]

Get ready for your new life. It’ll be a great ride!


MA Scheneider

Perspectives Articles


The Likely Ramifications of U.S. Tariffs from a Canadian Perspective:...


Despite a concerning U.S. jobs report in July, markets have recovered...


It was this ugly headline on the BBC that got me thinking we should be...


When we first wrote Depression and It’s Link to Your Money, we t...

Schneider Insurance Update

Stock markets have continued to move considerably higher since our las...


Watch this 50 second video, and then read the rest of the article. &nb...

We Celebrate Savers

At M.A. Schneider Insurance, we believe the saver deserves to be celebrated.

After all, it’s the saver that is conscientious every day to gradually create wealth for all.

That habit not only creates security for them but for their families and for the community as a whole.

We think they sometimes lose sight of how important they are.

This blog is here to help them. To help inspire them to stay the course and ultimately lead the great lives that they deserve.

Here’s What to Expect

1. Insight we gather about what’s going on that may affect the long-term quality of your life…

While there is a lot on the Internet, we know that making the best decisions for your life is often based on knowing just what your options are.

2. We hope that understanding what’s going on will help with perspective on what you can do.

3. New innovation and resources you can seek out.

This blog will offer an insight into the future because whether we like it or not, we’re going there. We’ll do the research to find the innovations that you should know about.