Our Christmas gift to you

If you’re one of our client’s, I’ve got a great little Christmas gift for you. You probably don’t know it, but this year pick pockets are becoming virtual. That’s right, armed with a mobile RFID reader readily available on eBay, they are literally pickpocketing your credit card and bank card numbers just by brushing past […]

Tax Avoidance

Even simple things can have nasty endings. A recent case had four brothers, equal shareholders of an operating company, appearing before the Tax Court of Canada. The brothers had arranged for life insurance to be purchased by the corporation in order to fulfill the funding obligation of their buy-sell arrangement. As the owner of the […]

We Have Seen Big Brother (and he will be us)

Face recognition is one  technology that is going to have major privacy ramifications in the future.  It is wise for everyone to have an understanding as to where this is heading so that they can protect themselves today through proper Privacy Settings on services they use on the Internet. This will play out with the […]