The New Personal Medical Tool Kit

We’ve had lots of comments on our various different blog pieces but one of the ones we get comments on the most is How Local Health Care Will Go Global within Five Years. Various different clients have commented to me both in person and online how they’d like to know more about how this will […]

Registered Education Savings Plans

Saving in advance of a need makes financial sense. For example, starting a sinking fund or savings plan early can help parents fund the cost of higher learning for their children. Without an established pool of funds, many families would have a hard time finding the cash flows needed to finance education expenses. With an […]

Buckle up, It’s Going to Be an Interesting Ride

Those are the closing words in a fascinating new movie sponsored by Ericsson. If you want a really good understanding of where things are going and how fast we’re getting there, I’d highly recommend you invest 20 minutes of your time. In the old days (which many of us still live in) people used to […]